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Brand guidelines

V 1.1.6 - 12.04.2022


Consistent display of the Hop Hooligans brand across all mediums is important to building and maintaining brand recognition and establishing a strong coherent message across all audience touchpoints.

This guide includes examples and general guidelines for uses of the Hop Hooligans brand elements. Please keep in mind this document is intended to be a guide and does not address all uses or potential needs that may arise.

For questions and approval for brand usage please contact Mircea Georgescu:

Logo usage

Logo colour

The logo can be black or white, depending on the background.

On a colored background please use the white version.

Download Vector Files

Download Raster Files

White logo (#ffffff)

Black logo (#1d1d1d)

White logo (#ffffff)

White logo (#ffffff)

Please don't

  1. Don't use our logo in other colour than black our white.
  2. Don't stretch the logo
  3. Don't add outlines
  4. Don't change the typography
  5. Don't add gradients
  6. Don't add special effects
  7. Don't tilt or slant the logo

1. Don't use other colour than black or white

2. Don't stretch the logo

3. Don't add outlines

4. Don't change the typography

5. Don't add gradients

6. Don't add special effects

7. Don't tilt or slant the logo

8. Don't do this! Use the transparent logo.

Brand colours


All expressions of the HH brand identity should be used in HH black or white except on apparel and wearables.

For other HH brand materials, black and grays should be the dominant colors with HH Accent Blue and Accent Yellow used minimally.

Beer labels have their own color palettes.

HH Black


HH Accent Blue


HH Accent Yellow




HH Light Gray



Color background

White background
